Terms & Conditions (last updated: January 24, 2020)
By submitting your contribution, you grant a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free license to The Dickinson Museum Center to preserve, reproduce, and distribute your work as part of the Southwestern North Dakota Digital Archive. This permission includes the right to modify your material to conform to the goals of the Project, to reformat it as necessary to preserve its perceptibility and usefulness, and to make it available for educational, research, and promotional purposes outside of the Project, in perpetuity and in all media formats. This license does not authorize exploitation of your contribution for profit or commercial use.
Material you submit must be related to our mission to collect and share images or documents related to this area of Southwestern North Dakota.
In granting this permission, you warrant that you are 18 years of age or older and have the full power and authority to consent to this agreement, that your submission does not infringe any existing copyright or contain any libelous matter, nor invade any third party rights of privacy or publicity. You further agree to defend and hold harmless Dickinson Museum Center, its board, and the City of Dickinson against all claims, demands, costs, and expenses including attorney's fees incurred for any and all claims of copyright infringement or any other legal or regulatory course of action arising from the use of your material.
The Southwestern North Dakota Digital Archive has no obligation to use or publish your contribution. You retain ownership of and copyright in the material you share.
Contributors who elect to provide their contact information in the Email Contact field within the contribution form agree to the public display of such contact information in connection with the materials submitted under that form.
Third-Party Use
Dickinson Museum Center does not hold copyright in the material in the archive. As such, Dickinson Museum Center is not positioned to grant licenses to or “approve” requests from third parties to make use of contributed content in the collection. Contributors may elect to display contact information, and it is the user’s responsibility to obtain any necessary permission from the copyright holder(s).
Contact us for other rights-related questions or, in certain cases, referral to the original contributor regarding use of his or her content.
Approval Criteria
- Content is related to the area and people of Southwestern North Dakota.
- File size of contributed content does not exceed 10 MB.
- Metadata submitted is deemed to be accurate by the administrator.
- Users have the right to submit content and submission does not infringe any existing copyright.
- Content does not provide personal information of the contributor or any other individual, including addresses, phone numbers, etc.
- Content does not endorse any commercial product.
- Content does not pose a risk of damage to the network, computers, or servers of Dickinson Museum Center.