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  • Collection: Panoramic Negatives

Temple Commandery No. 12
A panoramic film negative showing a group of men from the local Dickinson Knights Templar Group No. 12 assembled for the 32nd Annual Conclave Knights Templar in Dickinson on May 18 & 19 in 1921. All of the men are wearing their Knights Templar…

Perdaems Threshing 1925
A panoramic film negative of Threshing at Perdaems Farm in South Heart ND taken on Sept. 14th, 1925. Multiple horses, people and wagons can be seen along with a tractor on the right and threshing machine on the left. Photo by Presthus.

Bethel Lutheran Church in Daglum ND
A panoramic film negative of the congregation standing in front of Bethel Lutheran Church in Daglum ND taken July 3, 1927. Photo taken by Presthus.

Dickinson from Rocky Butte
A panoramic film negative showing the view of Dickinson looking south from the hill at Young's Park (Rocky Butte Park). An automobile is parked in the park near the large rocks in the foreground. On the far right side, the back of May Hall at…

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30th Session Grand Lodge I.O.O.F. in Dickinson
A panoramic film negative of a group of men and women gathered for the 30th Annual Session Grand Lodge for the IOOF of N. Dak at Dickinson on June 1-3, 1920. The Elks Band can also be seen on the far left. Photo taken in empty lots on Second Avenue…

32nd Annual Conclave Knights Templar
A panoramic film negative showing a group of men assembled for the 32nd Annual Conclave Knights Templar in Dickinson on May 18 & 19 in 1921. All of the men are wearing their Knights Templar uniform. Photo taken near the depot on Villard looking west.…

Dickinson Fair from across field
A panoramic film negative showing the Stark County Fairgrounds. People are lined up across the fence and are in the stands. Many automobiles are parked along the fence. Photographer not identified.

Nick Biel Farm 1919
A panoramic film negative of Nick Biel's Farm in Lefor ND taken Oct. 17, 1919. The barn is made of wood and stone. Several other buildings can be seen to the left of the barn. Photo by Presthus.

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Dickinson City Band
A panoramic film negative showing the Dickinson City Band standing next to the Dickinson Armory on 2nd Avenue West. All of the members are men or boys except for one woman. Photo taken by Presthus on 5-30-1921.

30th Convention of N. D. Sunday School Association at Mandan
A panoramic film negative showing a group of people gathered for the 30th Annual Convention of N. Dak Sunday School Association at Mandan June 17- 18 -19 1919. Photo by Presthus-Lutz. Photo taken near the depot on Main Street. The Lewis & Clark Hotel…

Norwegian gathering at Jens Jacobson's Farm
A panoramic film negative showing a large group of people for a Norwegian gathering. Taken at Jens Jacobson's Farm, Simpson Township Aug. 6, 1922. Photo by Presthus. According to the 1914 Stark County Atlas, Jens Jacobson owned 160 acres in Township…

No name, Big group of families
A panoramic film negative showing a large group of people gathered outside near some trees. Behind them are some automobiles and unidentified buildings. Location unknown. Photographer not identified.

Normal School, May Hall auditorium
A panoramic film negative showing a group of people inside the newly completed May Hall auditorium at Dickinson Normal School. A copy of one of these photos was printed in the Dickinson Press on 7-3-1928 identifying the date of the photo being taken…

Normal School, May Hall auditorium
A panoramic negative showing a group of people inside the newly completed May Hall auditorium. A copy of one of these photos was printed in the Dickinson Press on 7-3-1928 identifying the date of the photo being taken as June 1924 at the time of the…

Knight of Columbus Council
A panoramic negative showing a group of men standing near the Dickinson Armory on 2nd Avenue West for the K.C. Council meeting on May 11th 1919. Photo by Osborn-Presthus.

Perdaems Farm
A panoramic film negative showing threshing at the Perdaems farm near South Heart ND on Sept. 14 1925. Piles of wheat can be seen throughout the field. People, wagons, horses, machines and automobiles are also seen. An article appeared in the…

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St. Joseph School Children
A panoramic film negative of a group of children from the St. Joseph's catholic school standing in front of St. Joseph's church in Dickinson. Photo taken looking west by Doubleday-Myers.

1925 Graduating Class Dickinson Normal School
A panoramic film negative of the 1925 Dickinson State Normal School Graduating class. They are standing in front of May Hall. Photographer not identified.

Elks Normal School Picnic
A panoramic film negative of the Elks Normal School Picnic in the Badlands. Photo taken on July 15, 1921 by Presthus-Osborn. The school began holding classes in the Elks building in downtown Dickinson in 1918 and remained there until moving to…

Experiment Station, Dickinson
A panoramic film negative showing the Dickinson Substation N. Dak Experiment Station in Sept. 1923. The Dickinson Experiment Station was located northwest of the city and is now the NDSU Dickinson Research and Extension Center. Photo by Presthus.

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