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- Collection: Osborn Photo Albums
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1929 Model Ford, Osborn Studio
It is a image of an old car owned by the Osborns decorated with flags on the front bumper and draped across the sides. There is also ribbon draped across the hood. There are photographs attached to the inside of each of the windows. "467" is written…
1929 Model Ford, Osborn Studio
It is a image of an old car owned by the Osborns taken from the back parked in front of their studio. It is decorated with flags on the bumpers and draped across the sides. There are photographs attached to the inside of the windows. Printed on the…
1st Ave. West (Barnes St.), Dickinson
Photo of 1st Ave. West, originally Barnes St, with the 1st National Bank on the left side of the Photo. A sign on the left side of the street reads Ideal, and on an awning the words candies and Ida M. Hopkins. The next sign reads Post Office and on…
Tags: downtown, First Avenue West, store front
2 Unknown Soldiers
A portrait of 2 unknown soldiers. One is standing and one is sitting. The print is on cardboard. Printed below the print is, "CALLE NUEVA N 32" and other printing that isn't legible. Printed on the back is, "FOTOGRAFIA LA PAZ / NUEVA N 32 / [some…
Tags: group portrait, military, Unknown
2nd Ave. West (Hannaford St.), Dickinson
2nd Ave. West (originally Hannaford St.). On the left is the Mike McGinley residence, Osborn Studio, fire hall, and the Pat McGinley residence. On the right is the Drenkel residence, Recorder Post, and the Mike McGinley residence [? taken from…
2nd Ave. West (Hannaford St.), Dickinson
2nd Ave. West (originally Hannaford St.). On the left is the Mike McGinley residence, Osborn Studio, fire hall, and the Pat McGinley residence. On the right is the Drenkel residence, Recorder Post, and the Mike McGinley residence [? taken from…
3rd BN NDSG Officers School
North Dakota State Guard officer training exercise, 1943 at Buddy Ranch. It is two rows of men with badlands in the background. Written at the bottom as part of the image is, "3RD BN NDSG OFFICERS SCHOOL / JULY 16-17-18 / 1943 / BUDDY RANCH.- -…
Tags: 1943, badlands, group portrait, military
40 & 8 World War I Veterans
40 & 8 WWI veterans dressed up on the Dickinson Armory steps. Most of the men are wearing shirts with "221" on the front and garrison caps. Written on the back in the upper left is, " -176-" and on the right side, "-176- / NO NEG# 251."
Tags: Armory, downtown, group portrait, military, Second Avenue West
777 Cattle
A herd of 777 cattle at Ash Coulee Creek. Written in the lower left corner as part of the image is, "82." Written in the lower right corner is, "153." Written on the back in the upper left corner is, "#153 ALBUM / 75 SCRIPT / 8-14-88 COPY." Written…
777 Cattle
A herd of 777 cattle at Ash Coulee Creek. Written in the lower left corner as part of the image is, "80." Written in the lower right corner is, "153A." Written on the back in the upper left corner is, "#153A ALBUM / 146A CATTLE/R / SCRIPT." Written…
A.J. Osborn, George Auld and Harry Gruschus
Portrait of A.J. Osborn, George Auld and Harry Gruschus, officers of Co. K, 1st ND Volunteers in 1898.
3 officers of Co K, 1898, 1st ND Volunteer Officers. The rug on the floor is a Buffalo hide. Exact date and location unknown. Identified. …
3 officers of Co K, 1898, 1st ND Volunteer Officers. The rug on the floor is a Buffalo hide. Exact date and location unknown. Identified. …
Tags: 1898, Company K, group portrait, military
Aerial of Medora, ND
Aerial view of the Little Missouri River and Medora, ND looking toward the south. "#46" is written on the back.
Aerial of the Little Missouri River
Aerial view of the Little Missouri River near Medora, ND. "251" is written in the upper left corner on the front and "#46" is on the back.
Alex Wolf in front of deserted sod house
Photo of a man (identified as Alex Wolf in the index) standing in front of a sod house with a dog next to him. The window frames on the house are damaged and weeds grow all around the house.
Written on the back of the print is '#127' in the upper…
Written on the back of the print is '#127' in the upper…
American Legion Junior baseball team
A group photo of an American Legion Jr. baseball team. The group is divided in two rows, and most of the players are in their baseball uniforms. In front of the 1st row are baseball gloves and shoes. The coaches are on either side of the back row…
American Legion play cast
A group photo of the cast of a play, produced by the American Legion. The cast is divided into three rows with the cast members wearing different attire. In the bottom of the photo the backs of theater seats can be seen. Exact date and location…
Tags: civic organizations, performance
Berringer Meat Market Jack Rabbits
Jack rabbits hanging all over the front of the Berringer Meat Market building in the 1930s. There are also rabbits hanging from the both sides of the telephone pole. The Berringer building was 2 stories tall and made of brick. At the top of the…
Tags: animal hides, downtown, exterior, Sims Street
Big Lease Cattle Round-up
Big Lease roundup on beef trail. Written on the left edge is, "70 / c". Stamped in the lower right corner is, "Osborn's Studio / Dickinson, N. Dak." Written in the upper left corner is, "A-215-88." Written in the middle of the back is, "96 / 70-C /…
Big Lease Cattle Roundup
Big Lease roundup. A large herd of cattle in a field. Written on the back in the upper right corner is, "233." Exact date unknown.
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Dickinson Match of Champions 1955, Rodeo B

Photo of a group of 4 men standing together inside of a rodeo arena with stands full of people behind them. Two of the men are shaking hands.…