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  • Tags: 1937

Medora Rodeo 1937
Photo of a man roping a cow. Another man is on the ground behind the cow. A man on a horse is behind them. Some people and cars can be seen in the background. A fence surrounds the area. Unidentified.

Medora Rodeo 1937
Photo of a bucking horse. A man on another horse is in the background. A fence surrounds the area. Unidentified.

Medora Rodeo 1937
Photo of a man on a bucking horse. Other men and horses are in the background. A fence surrounds the area. Unidentified.

Medora Rodeo 1937
Photo of a man on a bucking horse. Other men and horses are in the background. A fence and some cars can also be seen. Unidentified.

Medora Rodeo 1937
Photo of a child riding backwards on a calf. There are cars and people in the background. The area is surrounded by fencing. Unidentified.

Johnson Auto, Norman & Lawton Osborn

Photo of 3 men standing next to a truck. The 1st man is wearing a shirt, a tie with a design, and pants. The 2nd man is wearing a work uniform, tie, hat, and has a cigarette in his right hand. The 3rd man is wearing a shirt, pants, wrist watch,…

Johnson Auto, Norman & Lawton Osborn

Photo of the employees of the Diedrich-Johnson Motor Company, who are sitting on the back of wrecker. They are dressed in the work uniforms, with a Ford patch, and hats. At the front of the wrecker is a man wearing a shirt, a bow tie, pants,…

Johnson Auto, Norman & Lawton Osborn

Photo of the employees of the Diedrich-Johnson Motor Company, who are sitting on the back of wrecker. They are dressed in the work uniforms, with a Ford patch, and hats. At the front of the wrecker is a man wearing a shirt, pants, and a hat. His…

Johnson Auto, Norman & Lawton Osborn

Photo of a man standing next to a truck. The man is wearing a shirt, a tie with a design, and pants. The truck has signs written on it that read Genuine Ford Parts, Genuine Ford Parts Distributor, Diedrich-Johnson Motor Co., Dickinson, N. Dak. The…

Farmers Union elevator Company 1937
7 men, several dressed in suit and tie, others dressed with jackets and ties. In the center is a table with paper items on it, over a window on the left side is a 1937 Northern Pacific calendars, on the back wall is a Farmers Union Central Exchange…

Farmers Union elevator Company 1937
7 men, several dressed in suit and tie, others dressed with jackets and ties. In the center is a table with paper items on it, over a window on the left side is a 1937 Northern Pacific calendars, on the back wall is a Farmers Union Central Exchange…

Farmers Union elevator Company 1937
Elevator with the name Farmers Union Elevator Co., with 2 railroad cars on the right side of the elevator and 2 old cars on the left side of elevator. A dirt road leads up to the entrance. A telephone pole and wires can be seen. On the left side…

Farmers Union elevator Company 1937
7 men, several dressed in suit and tie, others dressed with jackets and ties. In the center is a table with paper items on it, over a window on the left side is a 1937 Northern Pacific calendars, on the back wall is a Farmers Union Central Exchange…

Farmers Union elevator Company 1937
7 men, several dressed in suit and tie, others dressed with jackets and ties. In the center is a table with paper items on it, over a window on the left side is a 1937 Northern Pacific calendars, on the back wall is a Farmers Union Central Exchange…

Farmers Union elevator Company 1937
Photo shows the wood inside of the elevator where the elevators lift the grain up into grain compartments in the elevator and holes where the grain will come down to fill railroad cars. Exact location unknown, but probably Gladstone ND since the…

Farmers Union elevator Company 1937
Elevator with the name Farmers Union Elevator Co., on two sides of the elevator. A dirt road leads up to the entrance. A telephone pole and wires can be seen. Exact location unknown, but probably Gladstone ND since the other photos in the same…

1937 Chevy Sax Motor Co.
Photo of a 1937 Chevy at Sax Motor Co. Photo probably taken in front of the old Fire Station #1.

1937 Chevy Sax Motor Co.
Photo of a 1937 Chevy at Sax Motor Co. Photo probably taken in front of the old Fire Station #1.

1937 Chevy Sax Motor Co.
Photo of a 1937 Chevy at Sax Motor Co. Photo probably taken in front of the old Fire Station #1.

Kramer Service Station, Mott, N.D.
Photo of a little boy, wearing a Service Station's uniform and hat, getting read to put gasoline into a (Plymouth) automobile. A gasoline pump is on the left side of the photo. Brand name cannot be read. Boy identified only by last name.