Alumni News Photo shows Alumni members hold hands, standing, behind a table set for eating, with pictures of Alumni activities on the walls. Alumni members dressed in semi-formal attire. Unidentified, color
Alumni News Photo shows Alumni members in a "marathon" race, men and women, wearing cold weather sweats. Running on a Dickinson City street. Unidentified, color
Alumni News Photo shows Alumni on float that has the words Vets Cl, rest of word is missing. Men and women dressed in jackets and blue jeans, some wearing hats. The front 3 members have a yellow blanket across their knees. Unidentified, color
Alumni News Photo shows riders in Homecoming Parade. 2 front riders are dresssed in Blue Dickinson State jackets, wearing blue hats. Behind them is the Chief and Homecoming court dressed in Native American attire, riding horses. Unidentified,…
Alumni News Photo shows man, standing, dressed in suit and tie with pointer pointing to a Native American poster. Other members are sitting. On the wall is a Dickinson Alumni banner and a 1968 Basketball poster. Unidentified, color