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  • Tags: Gladstone ND

Gladstone School
A photo of the Gladstone School building.

Gladstone School
A negative of the Gladstone School building.

Anna Anton (Mrs. Nick Anton)
Photo of Anna Anton (Mrs. Nick Anton) of Gladstone ND.

Nick Anton Family
A group portrait of the Nick Anton Family of Gladstone ND. Top Row, Left to right: Christ Anton, Mother Anna (Lech) Anton, Joseph
Front Row, left to right: Regina Anton, Father Nick Anton, Theresia Anton(Mrs. Adam Raab). The mother, Anna Anton,…

Farmers Union elevator Company 1937
7 men, several dressed in suit and tie, others dressed with jackets and ties. In the center is a table with paper items on it, over a window on the left side is a 1937 Northern Pacific calendars, on the back wall is a Farmers Union Central Exchange…

Farmers Union elevator Company 1937
7 men, several dressed in suit and tie, others dressed with jackets and ties. In the center is a table with paper items on it, over a window on the left side is a 1937 Northern Pacific calendars, on the back wall is a Farmers Union Central Exchange…

Farmers Union elevator Company 1937
Elevator with the name Farmers Union Elevator Co., with 2 railroad cars on the right side of the elevator and 2 old cars on the left side of elevator. A dirt road leads up to the entrance. A telephone pole and wires can be seen. On the left side…

Farmers Union elevator Company 1937
7 men, several dressed in suit and tie, others dressed with jackets and ties. In the center is a table with paper items on it, over a window on the left side is a 1937 Northern Pacific calendars, on the back wall is a Farmers Union Central Exchange…

Farmers Union elevator Company 1937
7 men, several dressed in suit and tie, others dressed with jackets and ties. In the center is a table with paper items on it, over a window on the left side is a 1937 Northern Pacific calendars, on the back wall is a Farmers Union Central Exchange…

Farmers Union elevator Company 1937
Photo shows the wood inside of the elevator where the elevators lift the grain up into grain compartments in the elevator and holes where the grain will come down to fill railroad cars. Exact location unknown, but probably Gladstone ND since the…

Farmers Union elevator Company 1937
Elevator with the name Farmers Union Elevator Co., on two sides of the elevator. A dirt road leads up to the entrance. A telephone pole and wires can be seen. Exact location unknown, but probably Gladstone ND since the other photos in the same…

Gladstone, 1931
An aerial view of Gladstone, North Dakota, showing Main Street including parts of downtown and the Gladstone railroad depot. Two men are standing on the tracks, appearing to have a conversation with each other. A couple of 1920s trucks are parked…

Gladstone Views
Photo of early Gladstone. Horse drawn wagons and a buggy can be seen the city's main street. The street is unpaved. Signs on stores read, left to right, Geo(rge) W. Lee, Lumber & Machinery, Dolwig & Duckhorn Co. General Store, Gladstone…

Gladstone Views
Photo of a grain elevator and flour mill in Gladstone, N. D. The elevator is made of wood and the mill is made of brick. A large smokestack is seen next to the four mill. To the right of the mill is a building with a windmill behind it. The…

Gladstone Views
Photo of 2 old steam engine tractors. The 1st tractor has metal wheels, and the name Rumely on it. The 2nd tractor has metal wheels and a name on it, however, the name cannot be read. Each tractor has a driver. 2 men are watching the tractors. …

Gladstone Views
Photo of a Gladstone area farm family. The family is make up of 5 girls, 1 boy, 1 baby, and the mother and father. Behind the family is a 1 story clapboard home. Behind the children there are 5 bottle and a jacket handing on a fence post. Exact…

Gladstone Views
Photo of a 6 men standing in front of a business that has two signs in windows that read John Metzer Barber Shop and Pool Hall. A wood box has words on it that read The Gotman(?) Shoe Champion U.S. Standard. Exact date and location unknown. …

Gladstone Views
Photo of a horse pushed a header used to harvest the wheat. It is pushed by horses instead of being drawn by the horses. Men and women can be seen around this piece of farm equipment. Exact date and location unknown. Unidentified.

Gladstone Views
Photo of a grain elevator and flour mill in Gladstone, N. D. The elevator is made of wood and the mill is made of brick. A large smokestack is seen next to the four mill. To the right of the mill is a building with a windmill behind it. On the…

Gladstone Views
Photo of a sign on the side of a building in Gladstone, N. D. The sign reads Hard Spring Wheat Flour, Patent Gladstone Milling Co., Gladstone, N. D. 98 Lbs. When Packed. Exact date unknown.