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- Tags: Stark Motors
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Chamber of Commerce
A parade of convertibles on Villard Street in front of the Ray Hotel. Also seen are Winkie's Ice Cream Parlor, Corral Bar, Stark Motor's and Binek's Cafe.
Tags: 1956, Chamber of Commerce, downtown, parade, Ray Hotel, Stark Motors
Stark Motors
The back end of a Plymouth car with the trunk open inside the Stark Motor Company garage. There is a tire and 2 milk canisters in the trunk.
Tags: 1956, automobile dealership, automobiles, Stark Motors
Stark Motors
A Plymouth car inside the Stark Motor Company garage.
Stark Motors
A Plymouth car inside the Stark Motor Company garage.
Stark Motors
The back end of a car with the trunk open inside the Stark Motor Company garage. There are 2 milk canisters in the trunk.
Tags: 1956, automobile dealership, automobiles, Stark Motors
Stark Motors
The back end of a car with the trunk open inside the Stark Motor Company garage. There are 2 milk canisters in the trunk.
Tags: 1956, automobile dealership, automobiles, Stark Motors
Stark Motors
A side view of a 1957 Dodge Royal car inside the Stark Motor Company garage.
Tags: automobiles, Stark Motors
Stark Motors
A 1957 Dodge Royal car inside the Stark Motor Company garage. View from the front.
Stark Motors
The back end of a car with the trunk open inside the Stark Motor Company garage. There is a tire and 2 milk canisters in the trunk.
Tags: 1956, automobile dealership, automobiles, Stark Motors
Stark Motors
A 1957 Dodge Royal car inside the Stark Motor Company garage.