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  • Tags: weather event

Villard House after a blizzard
Copy negative of a group of men outside the Villard House after a blizzard.

Villard Street After a Blizzard
Villard Street after a snow storm in 1902. Some men are standing outside of the Villard Hotel and J.J. Freeman's Dry Goods. There is a sign for Greene's Drug Store. There is a sign with a clock and the words jewelry, watches and clocks around it and…

Villard Street After a Blizzard
Villard Street after a blizzard in 1902. There is a group of men standing outside the A.T. Crowl hardware store. The other buildings in the image are L.A. Davis Furniture and The St. Paul Hotel. The brick entrance way of the right side of the…

Villard Street After a Blizzard
Villard Street after a blizzard in 1902. There are men standing outside probably the Villard Hotel on snowbanks, some with shovels. Written in the lower right corner is, "5123." Written on the back on the left is, "VILLARD ST. AFTER BLIZZARD-1902 /…

Villard House After a Blizzard
The Villard House after a blizzard. There are men standing outside the hotel on snowbanks and the roof, some with shovels. Written in the lower right corner is, "120-52." Written on the back on the left is, "#13 ALBUM / #130 SCRIPT / 1902 / After a…

Storm Debris
Photo of the damaged roof which was torn off from the Elks Club Building after a storm in June 1924. Downed tree limbs and leaves litter the street. 2 clapboard 2 story homes, with porches, are on the left side of the photo. On the right side are…

Shoveling Out
A man (Dr. Walter Gilsdorf) shoveling out a car on Villard Street in front of Schilla Hardware, North Dakota Power & Light Co., Quinlan's Cafe and the Strand Theatre.