Stockmans Bar


Stockmans Bar


Kodak negative of the inside of the Stockman bar, which was located on 44 West Villard, in Dickinson, N.D. On the right side of the photo are booths, with hooks on the ends, for hats and coats. Beyond the last booth is a restroom with the word Men on the door. In front of the booths, is a jukebox, for playing records. In front of the jukebox is a pin-ball game machine. On top of the pin-ball machine is a ad for a liquor. It is the Seagram 7 with a crown on top of the 7, ad sign. In front of the pin-ball game machine is a game machine that has 2 pistols. The name of the game cannot be seen. On the back wall, left side, is an opening to a stairway. Inside are boxes and hooks. On the hooks are a jacket, a coat, and a hat. Next to the opening is a cooler with glass doors. Inside are bottles, cans, and cases of beer. One case has the word Schlitz on it. On top of he cooler is a lit sign that reads Budweiser, Beer in Bottles. On the left side of the sign is a figurine of a Texas Longhorn steer. On the right side of the sign is a clock. Next to the clock is a liquor ad. It reads Seagram 7. The rest of the words on the ad cannot bread. Next to the cooler is a floor fan. Next to the floor fan is a booth with 2 chairs. To the right of the booth is an opening to a back room. Finally, is a restroom door with the word Men on it. Hanging on the wall are lit beer signs. They read, Hamm's Beer, Royal Bohemian Beer, Premium Grain Belt Beer, 7Up, and a 2nd Hamm's Beer sign. Also hanging on the wall are 2 Deer heads and 1 Elk head. On the left side of the bar seen part of a ad sign for Schenley liquor. Next is a glass display case, on top of the bar counter, that has 3 open cigar boxes. The names on the boxes read Y - B, White Owl, and Little Fendrich Panatelas. Below the cigar boxes are bottles of liquor, with name of Seagram 7 and PM. On the bottom shelf are cigarettes. One name on the cigarettes is L.S./M.F.T., (Lucky Strike, Mighty Fine Tobacco). A poster on the right side of the display case reads Public Notice, and the letters B-T-F. The rest of the words on the poster cannot be read. 2 ad stickers, on the top of this display cabinet read Light an - Old Gold for Refreshment. On top of the cabinet is a large Red Cross symbol and the word Give is below the symbol. Also on top of the cabinet is a ad sign that reads Say Seagram's and be Sure. On the right side of the ad sign is a large number 7 with a crown on top of it, and below the number 7 are the words Reflection of Perfection. On the bar counter top is a pay telephone, ashtrays, salt shakers, and swizzle sticks. Attached to bar counter, and in-between 2 bar stools, is a device that allows room for the waitress to pick up drinks and glasses, and return empty bottles and glasses. In front of this device is a serving tray, with words that cannot be clearly read. To the right of the serving tray is a glass jar, with hand written words that read, Father Cassedy Home on the Range. Against the left wall is a glass display case with liquor bottles inside. One name on some liquor bottles reads Virginia. A sign above the display case reads We Carry a Complete Stock of Fine WINES and LIQUORS for Special Occasions. On top of the display case are 2 figurines, dressed as bartenders, with the words Roma Wines on the front of their apron. Also on top is a figurine of a horse, with words below that read, White Horse Scotch. To the right of the glass display case are opened bottles of liquor, and glasses. Above the opened bottles of liquor are 2 awnings, with signs that read Schenley, Stockman Bar, and the letter EBB - FELIX. Above the awnings, on a shelf, are bottles of beer. To the right of the opened bottles of liquor are 3 shelves filled with liquor bottles. Finally, the last cabinet, has liquor bottles, glasses, a case of beer, a light, and on top are figurines of 2 owls.

Date Created



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jpg, tiff


Black and white print





Spatial Coverage

Dickinson, ND

Original Format

photographic print

Physical Dimensions

10 x 8


44 West Villard

Cataloguer's Notes

1 receipt.

Physical Location

Box 99

Ordering Info


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“Stockmans Bar,” Southwestern North Dakota Digital Archive At the Dickinson Museum Center, accessed September 11, 2024,