Sioux Indian Tipis


Sioux Indian Tipis


Sioux Indian tipis with a Chief on a horse beside them.
He is wearing a buckskin shirt, a headdress made of eagle feathers, and is holding an undefined object in his hands. Behind the Chief is a tent and a wagon or buggy with spoked wheels. There are 2 tipis, the 1st one has drawings on the outside of horses and horses with riders. A small boy sits in front of this tipi and is wearing a hat. The 2nd tipi has no drawings on it. To the right of this tipi are 3 horses and one has a ridder. Exact date and location unknown. Unidentified.

Written as part of the image at the middle of the bottom is, "Sioux Indian / Tipis / ? by F.B. Fiske" and in the lower right corner, "297." Written in the lower left corner is, "4 6." Written on the back in the upper left is, "#70 SCRIPT #4 / #3 ALBUM #6." Written on the right side is, "-4- / 6 / NEG #207."


Fiske, F.B.


This image cannot be copied or reproduced without the written permission of the Dickinson Museum Center. This image may be freely used for education uses, so long as it is not altered in any way. No commercial reproduction or distribution of this image file is permitted without written permission of the Dickinson Museum Center.


jpg, tiff


black and white photographic print




Osborn, Lawton E. Sr.

Rights Holder

Copyright Southwestern North Dakota Museum Foundation and Dickinson Museum Center

Original Format

Photographic prints

Physical Dimensions

7.25" x 10"


Sioux Indian / Tipis / ? by F.B. Fiske

Cataloguer's Notes

Copyright Southwestern North Dakota Museum Foundation and Dickinson Museum Center.
No receipt. 1 glassine env with the word tipis, number 207. Other words read #12 Beaudoin Trailer Ct., #13, Villard, Snow, Dcfoes East, #14, Indians 50th Ann Parade, words below are scratched out. Neg. sent 12/10/(19)88.

Physical Location

Osborn Album #3

Ordering Info ?


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Fiske, F.B., “Sioux Indian Tipis,” Southwestern North Dakota Digital Archive At the Dickinson Museum Center, accessed September 14, 2024,