Pete Privratsky Garage


Pete Privratsky Garage



People serving food and people waiting in line to be served. Food servers. 1st is a man dressed in a work coverall. There is a name on the back but it cannot be read. 2nd is a man wearing a suit and tie and is looking into the camera. 3rd is a man wearing a shirt and a cap. 4th is a woman, wearing a dress, ear rings and glasses. 5th is a woman, wearing a dress, necklace, and glasses. The 1st person in the receiving line is a woman, wearing a dress with a plaid jacket, and pearl necklace. She has 2 plates, one in each hand, with food items of hot dogs, sloppy joe buns, potato salad, and beans. Behind her is a small boy dressed in a jacket, jeans, and a cap. Next in line is a man wearing a shirt, jacket, and a hat. There are no food items on his plate. The rest of the people are dressed in jackets, coats, and hats. On the table in front of the servers is a large kettle, coffee cops, and serving pans. Behind the servers are several signs that read Member ... Dealers Association, rest of the plaque cannot be read. Above a board for keys, are 3 paper permits, that cannot be read. At the top is a framed award that reads 1930, Merit Award, to the Hudson Motor Car co., Granted by the National Board of Governors for Leadership in research, Engineering, Design, and Manufacture in the Automobile Field, American Society of Industrial Engineers. A move screen can be seen, and a sign is hung from the its bottom, but only the word Free can be read. On the back wall can be seen tires hanging from a tire rack. Below that is a ad from the Saturday Evening Post magazine. Print is too small to be read. In the lower right of the photo can be seen folding chairs. Exact date unknown. Unidentified.

Date Created

Year 1958


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jpg, tiff


black and white Kodak Safety Film





Spatial Coverage

Dickinson, ND

Physical Dimensions

4 x 5

Cataloguer's Notes

Safety Film Negative
No receipt. 1 Osborn Order Envelope.

Physical Location

Box 88-2

Ordering Info


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“Pete Privratsky Garage,” Southwestern North Dakota Digital Archive At the Dickinson Museum Center, accessed May 5, 2024,