Browse Items
- 1865
- 1879
- 1882
- 1883
- 1888
- 1896
- 1898
- 1900
- 1901
- 1902
- 1903
- 1904
- 1905
- 1907
- 1908
- 1909
- 1910
- 1911
- 1912
- 1914
- 1917
- 1918
- 1919
- 1920
- 1921
- 1922
- 1923
- 1924
- 1925
- 1926
- 1927
- 1928
- 1929
- 1930
- 1931
- 1932
- 1933
- 1934
- 1935
- 1936
- 1937
- 1938
- 1939
- 1940
- 1941
- 1942
- 1943
- 1944
- 1945
- 1946
- 1947
- 1948
- 1949
- 1950
- 1951
- 1952
- 1953
- 1954
- 1955
- 1956
- 1957
- 1958
- 1959
- 1960
- 1961
- 1962
- 1963
- 1964
- 1965
- 1966
- 1967
- 1968
- 1969
- 1970
- 1971
- 1972
- 1973
- 1974
- 1975
- 1979
- 1981
- 1982
- 1984
- 1987
- A Avenue West
- accident
- accounting
- advertising
- aerial
- agriculture
- airfield
- airmail
- airplane
- airport
- alcohol
- Amidon ND
- animal hides
- architectural
- Armory
- art
- Ashley school
- auction
- audience seating
- automobile dealership
- automobile mechanics
- automobiles
- B&K Electric
- badlands
- Baker Boy
- bakery
- band
- bank
- bar
- barber shop
- barn
- baseball
- basketball
- Beach ND
- Beach school
- Belfield ND
- Belfield school
- Beulah ND
- Big Sky Mall
- Bismarck ND
- Bismarck school
- bison
- blacksmith
- books
- bowling
- Bowman ND
- Bowman school
- bridge
- Broadway
- Bucyrus school
- Buffalo Springs ND
- Buffalo Springs school
- buffet
- Burt ND
- cafe
- calendar
- card
- carriage
- cartoon
- cat
- cattle
- cemetery
- Chamber of Commerce
- cheerleading
- child
- children
- choir
- Christmas
- Church
- city hall
- civic organizations
- class photo
- clothing
- club house
- Coca Cola
- commercial interior
- Community Building
- Company K
- Congress Inn
- construction
- corral
- courthouse
- cowboys
- cowgirls
- coyote
- crime
- crowd
- Daglum ND
- Dakota Maid
- Dakota Territory
- dance
- death
- debate team
- diary
- Dickinson Dam
- Dickinson Hatchery
- Dickinson Ice and Transfer Company
- Dickinson Press
- Dickinson school
- Dickinson Sign Company
- Dickinson State University
- display
- Dodge
- Dodge ND
- Dodge school
- dog
- downtown
- drug store
- Dunn Center ND
- Dunn Center school
- Easter
- Eighth Avenue West
- Eighth Street East
- electronics
- Eleventh Avenue West
- Elgin ND
- Elgin school
- engineering
- ethnic groups
- exterior
- family history
- Fargo ND
- farm
- Farm Bureau
- farm equipment
- Farmers Union
- field
- Fifth Avenue West
- fire
- fire department
- First Avenue East
- First Avenue SE
- First Avenue West
- First Street East
- First Street SE
- First Street West
- flood
- floristry
- food
- food service
- football
- fording
- Fourth Avenue East
- Fourth Avenue West
- Fourth Street East
- Fourth Street West
- Fryburg ND
- Fryburg school
- furniture
- gambling
- garage
- Garrison Dam ND
- gas station
- Gaylord ND
- Gladstone ND
- Gladstone school
- glass plate negative
- Glen Ullin ND
- Glen Ullin school
- Glendive MT
- Golden Valley school
- golf
- Golva ND
- Golva school
- Gorham ND
- government agency
- government documents
- graduation
- Grassy Butte ND
- Greek letter organization
- Green River
- Grocery store
- group portrait
- guns
- gymnastics
- Halliday ND
- Halliday school
- hay
- Haynes ND
- Haynes school
- healthcare
- Heart River
- Hebron ND
- Hebron school
- Hettinger ND
- Hettinger school
- home appliances
- home interior
- horses
- Hotel
- housing
- hunting
- immigration
- Industrial buildings
- industrial equipment
- Insurance Agency
- jail
- Joachim Museum
- K & G Store
- Killdeer ND
- Killdeer school
- kitchen
- Knights of Columbus
- lake
- law enforcement
- Lefor ND
- Lefor school
- Lehigh ND
- letter
- library
- livestock chute
- livestock pens
- livestock sales
- M & H Gas
- machinery
- Main Avenue
- Main Bar
- man
- Mandan ND
- Manning ND
- map
- Marmarth school
- mascot
- masonic temple
- meat
- Medora Musical
- Medora ND
- Medora school
- Memorial Day
- men
- military
- mining
- Minot ND
- Montana
- Montana Dakota Utilities Co.
- monument
- motel
- motor bank
- Motor Carriers Association
- Mott ND
- Mott school
- Movie Theater
- musical instruments
- Native American
- Native American clothing
- New England ND
- New England school
- New Hradec ND
- New Salem ND
- New Salem school
- New Town ND
- newspaper
- Ninth Street East
- note
- Oakdale ND
- object
- Odd Fellows
- oil
- oral history
- Osborn Drive
- Osborn Studio
- oval E
- parade
- park
- parking lot
- pennants
- pep squad
- performance
- photography equipment
- pigs
- playground
- Pleasant Valley Subdivision
- politicians
- politics
- pool
- portrait
- post office
- postcard
- Posters
- pottery
- professional associations
- propaganda
- Queen City Beverage Co
- Queen City Dairy
- radar tower
- radio
- railroad
- Rainy Butte ND
- ranch
- Ray Hotel
- Ready-Mix
- real estate
- recreation
- Red Owl
- Reeder ND
- Reeder school
- refrigerator
- Regent ND
- Regent school
- religious organizations
- remodeling
- restaurant
- Rhame ND
- Rhame school
- Richardton ND
- Richardton school
- river
- road
- rodeo
- S&H Green Stamp store
- S&L Store
- Sax aviation
- Sax Motor Company
- Schafer ND
- Schnell
- school
- Scranton ND
- Scranton school
- Second Avenue East
- Second Avenue West
- Second Street East
- Second Street West
- Sentinel Butte ND
- Sentinel Butte school
- Seventh Avenue West
- Seventh Street West
- sheep
- sidewalk
- signage
- Sims Street
- Sixth Avenue West
- skating
- smoke
- snow
- soda fountain
- softball
- South Heart ND
- South Heart school
- special event
- St. Charles hotel
- St. Joseph's Hospital
- stagecoach
- Stark County
- Stark Motors
- Stockmen's Association
- Store
- store front
- surveying
- tack
- taxi service
- taxidermy
- Taylor ND
- Taylor school
- telegram
- telephone
- television
- Tempo Store
- tennis
- Tenth Avenue East
- Tenth Avenue West
- Tenth Street West
- tents
- Texaco
- Thanksgiving
- The Fad
- The Hub
- theater
- Third Avenue East
- Third Avenue West
- Third Street East
- Third Street West
- tools
- tourist court
- toys
- track
- trailer
- travel agency
- trucks
- Twelfth Street West
- University of North Dakota
- Unknown
- Versippi ND
- Versippi school
- Villard House-Hotel
- Villard Street
- wagons
- Wahpeton ND
- watercraft
- Watford City ND
- Watford City school
- weather event
- weather station
- wedding
- Werner ND
- Werner school
- West Plains Electric Cooperative
- Wibaux MT
- Williston ND
- Wilton school
- woman
- women
- wrestling
- youth organizations
- Zenith ND