Erwin Hoff


Erwin Hoff


A group photo for a wedding. The bride and groom are in the center right and center left, respectively. The bride is wearing a pearl necklace, is wearing a veil, is holding a bouquet of flowers, and has her train stretched in front of her. The groom is in a suit with a flower on his lapel. In front of the groom is the flower girl, who is wearing a white dress and has two large bows in her hair. On either side of the bride and groom are two bridesmaids, both holding a flower bouquet, wearing a white dress, and having flowers in their hair. The bridesmaid to the left is wearing a pendant. The groomsmen on the edges of the group are wearing pinstripe suits with flowers in their lapels and ties.

Date Created



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jpg, tiff


black and white Kodak film negative





Original Format

Black and White Kodak Film negative

Physical Dimensions


Cataloguer's Notes

Three receipts and one ruined proof. Each receipt has some order information. The original receipt, written for Erwin Hoff, included twelve 8x10 photos and thirty 5x7 photos. The other receipts, sent to Richardton and Dickinson, were ordered in 1946. The smaller orders may have been gifts; one of them has a note to be done before mother's day and the other has \"future of Erwin Hoff\"" written. On the back of the Mother's Day receipt, details of how the bride and groom looked like are given. The bride had brown eyes, dark brown hair, pink and white flowers, and pearls. The groom had dark brown hair, brown eyes, a blue suit, a blue and white tie, and black shoes. The ruined proof has a double underlined \""X\"", a \""2\"" circled, a \""12\"" underlined, and \""Hoff\"" written on the back."

Physical Location

Box 96

Ordering Info


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“Erwin Hoff,” Southwestern North Dakota Digital Archive At the Dickinson Museum Center, accessed May 14, 2024,