Johnson Auto, Norman & Lawton Osborn



Johnson Auto, Norman & Lawton Osborn


Photo of a man, 3 boys, and a truck. The truck is an early 20th century truck. The man, in front of the truck, is turning the crank to start the engine. He is wearing a sweater, hat, pants, and has a cigarette in his left fingers. The 1st boy is sitting in the drivers seat. He is wearing a jacket, pants, and a hat. He is smoking a cigarette. The 2nd boy, his back to the camera, is watching the 1st boy. He is wearing a jacket, pants, and a cap. The 3rd boy is seen in profile, on the other side of the truck, and is wearing a shirt, jacket, and a hat. Beyond the truck are prairie grasses. Exact date and location unknown. Unidentified.


Osborn Studio


L.E. Osborn, Sr.


This image cannot be copied or reproduced without the written permission of the Dickinson Museum Center. This image may be freely used for education uses, so long as it is not altered in any way. No commercial reproduction or distribution of this image file is permitted without written permission of the Dickinson Museum Center.


jpg, tiff


black and white Film




Johnson_ Auto-003

Original Format

Film negative

Physical Dimensions

3.5 x 6

Cataloguer's Notes

No receipt. 1 glassine envelope with the words Norman & Lawton Osborn Jackson Auto, should be Johnson Auto. NOTE: A 2nd glassine envelope, scanned, and titled Cars Osborn - Ford, with the number 22 on it, is missing.

Physical Location

Osborn Copy Negatives Box. Photo Storage.

Ordering Info


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Osborn Studio, “Johnson Auto, Norman & Lawton Osborn,” Southwestern North Dakota Digital Archive At the Dickinson Museum Center, accessed May 7, 2024,