Green Drug Employees


Green Drug Employees



1962 photo of the employees of Green Drug in Dickinson, ND. Some of the men wear shirts and slacks, others wear a shirt, tie and slacks. The man sitting down on the right side is wearing a suit, tie and glasses. The women are all dressed in white uniforms, except for one women who is sitting down on the right side, and she is wearing a dress, wrist watch, and glasses. To the left of the employees, on a wall, is a box which reads Folding Doll Carriage Style 1730. On the left of this box is a sign that reads thermometers. On the 3rd shelf from the bottom are flashlight batteries. On 2nd shelf from the bottom can be seen 3 flashlights. On the bottom shelf are Ray-Vac, Workman lights. Behind the employees can be seen 2 boxes that read Cecil, Music Box and a Popeye Music Box. To the right, hanging on the wall, is a game called Tic-Tac-Toe, for 1.95. Next are doll house kitchen items, such as a oven, toaster, refrigerator, washing machine, and dryer. Some employees are sitting in a booth, in which you can see a menu, napkin holder, and a sugar glass. In the back of the employees, on the right side, are 3 Hubley Farm Sets and a toy rotary telephone. Next to the toy telephone are 2 Playskool boxes. On the 3rd shelf, from the ceiling, is a box that reads Little Mother's Helper, Vacuum Cleaner. Below that shelf another shelf has American Logs sets. A sign hands from the top of the ceiling, it reads, Gift Shop and has an arrow pointing to an room on the right of the photo. At the bottom, on a little table, is a coffee pot and glasses. In side the room can be seen, framed pictures, hanging plates, a desk lamp, without a shade, tea cups, and other gift items. Hanging on the end wall, are water pitchers, and figurines. Exact date unknown. Unidentified.

Date Created

Year 1962


This image cannot be copied or reproduced without the written permission of the Dickinson Museum Center. This image may be freely used for education uses, so long as it is not altered in any way. No commercial reproduction or distribution of this image file is permitted without written permission of the Dickinson Museum Center.


jpg, tiff


black and white Kodak Safety Film





Spatial Coverage

Dickinson, ND

Physical Dimensions

2.5 x 2.25

Cataloguer's Notes

Safety Film Negative
No receipt.

Physical Location

Box 88-2

Ordering Info


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“Green Drug Employees,” Southwestern North Dakota Digital Archive At the Dickinson Museum Center, accessed May 18, 2024,