Greene Drug, Interiors and owner


Greene Drug, Interiors and owner



Photo of the front of Greene Drugs. A sign hangs from the building that reads, Greene Drugs & Gifts, Walgreen Agency. On the left side of the building is glass door that leads up apartments located above the store. In the 1st display window can be seen a plant, plates, cook ware, and a sign that reads Valentine Gifts for all. In the 2nd display window can be seen a plant, glass stem ware, pitcher and glasses, and a sign that reads Valentine Gift for all. Above the glass entrance doors is a sign that reads Ans's Luncheonette, the best coffee. There are small ads on both sides of the glass doors, that cannot be clearly read. The 3rd display window has a sign that reads Valentine Greeting Cards, and frames for pictures. In the 4th display window is a sign that reads Delicious Candy Valentines Day, Feb. 14th. Items in the window are small and unidentified. On the left side of the this building is a 2 story brick building. A store window can be seen and inside the store widow is a sign that reads sale. On display is a mannequin dressed in a tux. Cowboy boots can be seen, and shirts and slacks. On a sign above the door can be read the word ...swear. On the right side of the building is a 2 story brick building. 2 windows can be seen on the 2nd floor. A glass door leads up to the 2nd floor. In the 2 store windows can be seen dresses, blouses, sweaters, and skirts, . Exact date unknown.

Date Created

Year 1964


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jpg, tiff


black and white Kodak Safety Film





Spatial Coverage

Dickinson, ND

Physical Dimensions

2.5 x 2.25


16 West Villard Street

Cataloguer's Notes

Safety Film Negative
No receipt.

Physical Location

Box 88-2

Ordering Info


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“Greene Drug, Interiors and owner,” Southwestern North Dakota Digital Archive At the Dickinson Museum Center, accessed May 4, 2024,