Turkish Delegation Agricultural Tour



Turkish Delegation Agricultural Tour



Negative from a print. A photo of 26 men on a picture post card. The words in the middle of the post card read Dakota Days. Above the words Dakota Days are larger photos of 2 men. The man on the left is Charles Armstrong. He is wearing a Native American deerskin shirt, pants, hat, and has a rifle in his hands. The man on the right is Bill Chadelor and he is wearing a shirt, neckerchief, pants, suspenders, hat, and has a rifle in hands. The other 24 men, the words Dakota Days are mostly wearing a shirt, tie, and hat. Some are wearing suits and glasses. 3 men have the cattle brand of their farm or ranch on their photo. Exact date and location unknown. Identified. NOTE: see Text column for all the names in negative.

Date Created



This image cannot be copied or reproduced without the written permission of the Dickinson Museum Center. This image may be freely used for education uses, so long as it is not altered in any way. No commercial reproduction or distribution of this image file is permitted without written permission of the Dickinson Museum Center.


jpg, tiff


black and white Kodak Safety Film





Spatial Coverage

Dickinson, N.D.

Original Format

Safety Film Negative

Physical Dimensions

4 x 5



1st row: Dennis Moran, Bill Taylor, Red Murphy, Wils Richards, Bob Wilcox, Rasmus Jensen, Bill Cuskelly, Bill Connolly. 2nd row: Layton George, Cris Sperber, Gube Saunders, Hube Delinger, 3rd row: Sam Rhodes, Bob Munrow, W. R. Veigel, Matt Crowley, 4th row: Sime Cuskelly, Jim Wilson, John Marucheek, Bill McCarty, Bill Follis, Ben Bird, Dan Beck, J. Kuykendall. 2 large photos in the center are Charles Armstrong, and Bill Chandelor.

Cataloguer's Notes

No receipt. Negative of a print.

Physical Location

Box 88-3

Ordering Info



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“Turkish Delegation Agricultural Tour,” Southwestern North Dakota Digital Archive At the Dickinson Museum Center, accessed May 1, 2024, https://dmc.omeka.net/items/show/43276.