Medora Rodeo and Dickinson Match of Champions


Negatives and prints of various Rodeo events and other misc. photos. Part of the Joachim Regional Museum Archives. Accession #2023.007.


  • Joachim Regional Museum at Dickinson Museum Center


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Collection Items

10th Annual Dickinson Rodeo
Photo of a man on a horse and another man falling off his horse and onto a calf inside of a rodeo arena with stands full of people behind them. Unidentified.

10th Annual Dickinson Rodeo
Photo of a rider on a bucking horse inside of a rodeo arena with stands full of people behind them. Unidentified.

10th Annual Dickinson Rodeo
Photo of a rider on a horse with a rope tied to its saddle attached to a calf that is being yanked off the ground inside of a rodeo arena with stands full of people behind them. Unidentified.
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