Browse Items (27 total)
- Collection: Shurtliff Family Collection
James Shurtliff Family History
Riding horses
Tags: 1907, field, glass plate negative, horses, women
Julius Larsen
Tags: glass plate negative, guns, horses
Jim Shurtliff
Tags: glass plate negative, guns
James Shurtliff Ranch
Tags: glass plate negative, ranch
Jim Shurtliff and son Harry on a hay wagon
Tags: glass plate negative, horses, wagons
The Old Man and Daughter
Tags: glass plate negative, horses
H.S. Ranch ND
Tags: glass plate negative, ranch
Bad Men of the West
Tags: animal hides, glass plate negative, guns, hunting
Ethel Shurtliff
Tags: glass plate negative, guns
Jim and Anna Shurtliff with "Mary Jane,"
Shurtliff Family
Mary Jane at the Green River Crossing
Good Shots But Can't Hit
Tags: glass plate negative, guns
Harry Shurtliff, Jim Shurtliff and Ben Johnson sitting in a field
Tags: field, glass plate negative, horses
A Thoroughbred Bronco Twister
Tags: glass plate negative, horses
Watering Horses
Tags: glass plate negative, horses, river
Busting Sod
Jim Shurtliff homesite
Tags: glass plate negative, ranch
Featured Item
George Kelling
Portrait of the George Kelling extended family of 8. Father identified, others by last name.