Frontier Airlines


Frontier Airlines



Photo of the departure of Miss Dickinson, on a Frontier Airlines plane. At the top of the steps, stand 2 pilots, both wearing shirt, tie, slacks, and a hat. The pilots hat, on the left, has the wings of a bird above the hat band. The pilots hat, on the right, has the number 7 above the hat band. Below the pilots is an airline stewardess, wearing a business suit, hat, and a pin, with bird feathers on it, on the left side of her suit jacket. Below the stewardess is a woman, wearing a dress, glasses, and a wrist watch. She is holding a hat in her left hand. Below this woman is Miss Dickinson, wearing a dress, glasses, wrist watch, bracelet, and is holding in her left hand gloves, purse and a hat. At the bottom of the steps, on the ground, is a man who is holding onto the airplane steps railing with his left hand. This man is wearing a shirt, slacks, a wrist watch and has a pen in his left shirt pocket. The plane has the words Frontier and Frontier airlines on the body of the plane, and Frontier on the steps of the airplane. Unidentified.

Date Created



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jpg, tiff


black and white Kodak Safety Film





Spatial Coverage

Dickinson, ND

Physical Dimensions

4 x 5

Cataloguer's Notes

Safety Film Negative
No receipt.

Physical Location

Box 88-2

Ordering Info


Allowed tags: <p>, <a>, <em>, <strong>, <ul>, <ol>, <li>


“Frontier Airlines,” Southwestern North Dakota Digital Archive At the Dickinson Museum Center, accessed May 14, 2024,