Browse Items (486 total)

  • Tags: class photo

1925 Graduating Class Dickinson Normal School
A panoramic film negative of the 1925 Dickinson State Normal School Graduating class. They are standing in front of May Hall. Photographer not identified.

1926 Graduating Class Dickinson Normal School
A panoramic film negative of the 1926 Graduating Class of Dickinson Normal School dressed in their caps and gowns. They are standing outside in front of May Hall. Photographer not identified.

Dickinson High School Senior Class of 1924
A panoramic film negative of the 1924 Senior Class from Dickinson High School taken outside. Photographer not identified.

Dickinson High School Class of 1938
A composite photo of the Dickinson High School Class of 1938.

Assumption Abbey High School Class of 1961
A composite photo of then men of the Assumption Abbey High School Class of 1961.

Model High School Class of 1953
A composite photo of the Model High School Class of 1953.

Model High School Class of 1951
A composite photo of the Model High School Class of 1951.

Dickinson High School Class of 1941
A composite photo of the Dickinson High School Class of 1941.

Killdeer High School Composite 1945
Composite of the Killdeer High School Class of 1945, with only the photos of the students.

Killdeer High School Composite 1945
Composite of the Killdeer High School Class of 1945, with only the words Killdeer High School Class of 1945 and student names but with no student photos.

Killdeer senior composite 1949
Killdeer senior composite 1949
C. J. Gludt (Supt.), Clayton Johnson (Pres.), Raymond Mittlestadt (V. Pres.), Joyce Cuskelly (Sec. Treas.), Earl Schafer (Principal), Marvin Olson, Mary Charchenko, Evelyn Veverka, Lorraine Trinka, Lois Heise, Duaneā€¦

Dunn Center High School class of 1946
Dunn Center High School Composite for the class of 1946. Nettie Keller (V. Pres.), Minnie Dinkins (Pres.), Drusilla Childs (Sec. Treas.), Alice Ross (Principal), Maryls Pletan, Janet Pelton, Edgar Vick (Supt.) Identified.

Dunn Center H. S. Composite 1945
Composite photo of the graduation class of 1945 from Dunn Center High School. Identified.

Golva H. S. 1935 Composite
Composite photo of the Golva H. S. Class of 1935. Identified.

Killdeer High School class of 1947 composite
A composite photo of the Killdeer Class of 1947. Identified.

Bowman class composite 1954
Composite photo of the Bowman Senior Class of 1954. Identified.

Scranton H. S. Composite
Composite of all the senior graduates of 1949 Scranton High School. Identified.

Taylor H. S. composite
Composite of all the senior graduates of 1949 Taylor High School. Identified.

Taylor High School Class of 1933
A negative of the graudating class of Taylor High School, 1934photo. In the middle of the photo is a picture of a building and it also includes pictures of the Superintendent and the principal

Taylor High School Class of 1934
A negative of a class photo. In the middle of the photo is a picture of a building and it also includes pictures of the Superintendent and the principal