Stark County Courthouse


Stark County Courthouse


1st court session in the new Stark County Memorial Courthouse; Judge H.L. Berry, T.N. Hartung, M. Curn, T. Kellogg, L.C. Broderick, H.A. Mackoff, J.J. Starke, C.H. Starke, Mrs. R. Lee, I.W. Gerlich, A.G. Wolf, J. Garecht, A. Heinle, Jurors-F. Scholz, Mrs. J. Sattler, Mrs. L. Kostelecky, P. Gotterbarm, Wm. Kalanek, P. Klein, N. Messer, O. Brudevold, C. Binstock, J. Lantz, J. Agnew, J. Lefor

A copy of this photo appeared in the December 2, 1937 issue of the Dickinson Press explaining the photo was taken of the first district court session held in the court chambers of Stark county's new court house during the second day of the regular November term and identifying everyone in the photo (left to right): Teddy Hartung, clerk of court; Marian Curn, deputy clerk of court; Theodore Kellogg, attorney; L.C. Broderick, court reporter; Judge Berry; H.A. Mackoff, attorney; J.J. Starke, attorney; C.H. Starke, attorney; Mrs. Rufus Lee, bailiff; I.W. Gerlich, sheriff; Alex G. Wolf, deputy sheriff; Joe Garecht, deputy sheriff; and Adam Heinle, bailiff.

Background right are the jury members identified with where they lived (left to right) as: Frank Scholz, Lefor; Mrs. Joe Sattler, Dickinson; Mrs. Louis Kostelecky, Dickinson; Phillip Gotterbarm, Gladstone; W.M. Kalanek, Dickinson; Peter Klein, Richardton; Nick P. Messer, Dickinson; Ole Brundevold, Antelope; Clement Binstock, South Heart; Jacob Lantz, Richardton; Jack Agnew, Dickinson; John J. Lefor, Gladstone.



Date Created



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black and white Kodak safety film





Spatial Coverage

Dickinson, ND

Original Format

Safety Film Negatives

Physical Dimensions

8" x 10"


51 3rd Street East, Dickinson, ND

Physical Location

Box 79

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Osborn, “Stark County Courthouse,” Southwestern North Dakota Digital Archive At the Dickinson Museum Center, accessed May 4, 2024,